Two deliciously dairy fillings for your Purim bakes
By Amir Batito
Who could resist this gooey, cheesy, pizza-style bread?
By Claire Thomson
This super, simple pate, is made in minutes
By Fabienne Viner-Luzzato
Rich, warming and nourishing soul food
By Katie Pix
Cheese-based fritters tick all the boxes for the perfect Chanukah supper
If you prefer a savoury fried treat at Chanukah, this is for you - and it's gluten free
By Sarah Mann-Yeager
Super simple starter or party nibble for your festive celebrations
By Becky Excell
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The ultimate midweek, cheese-filled comfort food
By leah koenig
Delicious and pretty as a picture – this dish is a tasty showstopper
By Victoria Prever for The JC in partnership with M&S
These delicious parcels make great canapés or, if larger, a vegetarian starter.
By Silvia Nacamulli
Fresh, summery, sweet, savoury and super simple
By ren behan
A super simple salad that makes a tasty, light lunch or substantial side dish to a fish or veggie main
By Victoria Prever
Mixing Middle Eastern and Italian flavours for maximum impact
A fresh and fabulous spring/summer recipe that zings with flavour
By Emily Ezekiel
Za'atar gives this simple classic combination a Middle Eastern kick
This takes cheese on toast to the next level
By Melissa Hemsley